Great Hat For Using Up Small Amounts of Yarn
Our three year old decided we should walk to the corrals today. This is the hat she chose. She's on an extended visit. Not sure when she will decide to go home as she informed me in the bathtub last night that she was going to live here forever. This sweet little tyke was badly in need of some Pappa and Amma time after this last weekend to right her world again so she's staying as long as she needs.
This was a great hat for using up a little bit of this and a little bit of that homespun yarn. Note the exchange of colors. The first zigzag of orange becomes the next main color and the red zigzag in that becomes the main color next. When I hit the decreases I simply went to solid colors not willing to think. Sometimes it is just fun to simply knit. I saw a picture of a scarf with much broader stripes and I thought what if I.... and I..... and presto chango I had a hat. The bright colors made this hat cheerful for a chilly day and the best part is I used up lots of little bits of yarn in many colors. Kind of like the theory behind a scrap quilt.
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